
EKKO Hoorcollege

Tue 23 Apr 24
incl. servicefee

the invisible force behind festivals

The lecture series Hoorcollege, EKKO’s in-depth and broadening series of interactive talk shows focusing on the club scene, festivals, and live circuit, is back! Following a connecting and electrifying evening discussing queer communities in Utrecht’s nightlife, our attention turns to the second evening of this Hoorcollege season, exploring the unseen force behind festivals: the production team. From creative to operational, from freelance to staff positions; the producer serves as the backbone of everything, yet often goes unnoticed.

Tonight, three experienced festival producers will join us to discuss their experiences, expertise, recognition, and representation. Liedeke Leydesdorff works as a producer/production manager at The Good Guyz, previously served as club manager at De Marktkantine in Amsterdam, and recently worked at ArtFX. Annelieke Rovers focuses mainly on the artistic and visual aspects of production; as a visual artist and art director of Draaimolen, she has been instrumental in shaping the look & feel of this influential festival. Shaked Franke is Artist Liaison for all Kultlab festivals and previously held similar roles at Dekmantel and De School. In conversation with moderator Dave Coenen (De Helling, Razzmic, Steppin’ Into Tomorrow), they will share their insights into their production work within an industry filled with artists, bookers, attendees, marketers, and many others, engaging in conversation with attendees.