
The    Yearlings          

Sun 26 Jan
For fans of
Wilco, Yo La Tengo, The Feelies
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Utrecht-based alt-country band returns with a new album.

The party is over for the Utrecht-based “alt-country band” The Yearlings, and that’s why they’re presenting their brand-new album ‘After All The Party Years’. The band was formed in 1999 and went their separate ways in 2006, but after years apart, they reunited and released the album Skywriting. While Skywriting was their idea of a party album, their new release After All The Party Years is quite the opposite. This new album was written in response to the world as it is today. We’ve stumbled through the COVID-19 pandemic, only to witness a war break out in Europe and a genocide in the Middle East. Bird flu has now reached Antarctica, where lakes are forming in the most unlikely places. 2024 is more than we can handle, but After All The Party Years is an album that allows us to move forward, with our backs straight and less naïve. Some songs are more “killer” than anything they’ve ever recorded before. Less gentle, and at times more menacing, with greater contrasts. Guitar solos battling for attention simultaneously. But it is also a search for beauty, meaning, and timelessness.