

Graduation concert

Thu 6 Jul 23
Incl. servicekosten

Finya is an audiovisual artist. She is a vocalist, instrumentalist and produces, writes songs, takes photos and makes videos, knits, binds books, and anything else that interests her. In her music she gently confronts her listener, by being open, vulnerable and radically honest about her struggles and experiences.

Accompanied by an ensemble of four instrumentalists and four vocalists, Finya dares to find the absolute edge of what is okay to say about yourself and to find comfort within uncomfortable emotions and situations.
The performance will be her own songs, translated from compact produced versions into energetic, playful, and striking live versions by her and her ensemble. The performance will consist of both Dutch and English songs, with layered vocals that bring both catchy subtle harmonies as well as big, energetic choirs.

With topics such as self-doubt, teenage angst, men and women, adult panic, and much more, Finya dares to show herself and creates a bedding of reflection, self-exploration, and self-acceptance for her and the audience.

The ensemble consists of:
Djoszuwa – Drummer, percussionist
Emile Hillen – Bassist
Eldert Mohr – Melody guitarist
Benjamin D Stryder – Rhythm guitarist
Zaza van Duijvenbode – Vocalist
Marie Scheuermann – Vocalist
Sofinka – Vocalist
Løu – Vocalist
Finya – Vocalist

For this graduation concert are different ticket options:

  • Ticket normal: €12,50
  • Discounted price (for students/if you’re tight on money): €6,50
  • Extra support for the artists: €18,50

If you can’t afford the ticket price but would love to come, please contact us via

EKKO likes to give HKU students the opportunity to graduate in EKKO.